Sustainable + Holistic

This year I presented Nia once again at the Common Ground Country Fair in Unity, Maine. Arriving at the Fair Friday morning, I immediately felt the energy and excitement as I joined the stream of attendees traveling down the wooded path to one of the Fairground entrances.

As I engaged with fairgoers on the main path, moving my body and handing out homemade garlands and crowns from recycled card stock, I felt an irrepressible eagerness to share the good word about Nia. I wanted to encourage these long-distance travelers to begin their day with me in the “13 Joint Renewal” dance in the Whole Life Tent.

The mission of the Common Ground Fair is all about sustainability. Likewise, Nia is all about moving systemically, sustainably, with awareness and attention to the design of the body. I love that Nia fits every body, like one of those “one size fits all” clothes that actually does FIT all sizes and figures.

As we danced around the tent, I looked at the woman who arrived with her walker, the young grandmother and her granddaughter, the pregnant woman, the octogenarian, those newer-to-movement and those seasoned dancers… all of us sharing the tent, laughing, enjoying the spontaneity of our humanity in the space created by Nia.

I am grateful.

This year marks Nia’s 40th anniversary and the 15th year I have been dancing Nia. I started teaching in 2009 after receiving my While Belt. What a joy and blessing to have connected with the sustainable, joyful, pleasurable practice of Nia. You’re invited to join me for class online or in person:

Online via Zoom Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30am EDT (or by watching the recording), contact me for the zoom link.

In Person on select Saturdays at the Westbrook Community Center, in Westbrook, Maine, click here for all the details.

I look forward to our next dance!