Let's Break Apart Together

The next online performance of my one-woman playback company, Solar Playback, will be held on Friday afternoon, February 9th from 3-4:15pm ET on the New Snow Moon!

Historically in the northern climes this moon cycle in February is a time of frozenness. Sometimes called the “ice moon” imagine if you will the ice-sheathed branches of the north woods cracking and breaking under the weight of ice. This image gives rise to our theme: Stories of falling apart, crashing, breaking, smashing, shattering, splitting… moments of breakdown and breakthrough in our lives.

Join me over Zoom for this 75 minute performance, filled with opportunities to connect with one another in breakouts, story-share, and witness the power of playback! Free to register over zoom below, and a pay-what-you-wish $0-$25 option for those who feel called to donate after the show. Register here to receive the zoom link in your email inbox:

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

When: Feb 9, 2024 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Join me online for this engaging performance. Please share this invitation with anyone in your circles who may struggle with feeling alone or isolated. Playback brings us together to celebrate our shared humanity.

From The Farmers’ Almanac, "In some Celtic histories, February’s full Moon is referred to as the “Ice Moon.” In Maine, the Abenaki tribe calls this Moon “Makes Branches Fall In Pieces Moon,” which is exactly what can happen when ice builds up on tree limbs. The Lakota of the northern plains have a similar name for February’s full Moon, “When Trees Crack Because of Cold Moon.”" -Source